PCOS Specialist

Aspire For Women Obstetrics and Gynecology

Obstetrics & Gynecology serving Englewood and South Denver Area, CO

Approximately 10% of American women of childbearing age have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which causes disruptive symptoms and fertility problems. At Aspire For Women Obstetrics and Gynecology in Englewood, Colorado, Grace Holub, MD, and Leslie Scariano, MD, provide expert diagnosis and treatment for PCOS. If you’re concerned about irregular periods or heavy bleeding, call Aspire For Women Obstetrics and Gynecology, or schedule a consultation online today.


What is PCOS?

PCOS is a condition in which a hormonal imbalance causes abnormal ovulation. Your abnormal hormones can cause cysts to form on or in your ovaries that interfere with your regular menstrual cycle, including ovulation and your periods. 

Medical researchers haven’t identified a specific cause of PCOS. They believe your genetics and family history contribute to your risk of developing PCOS. There is also a link between insulin resistance, your weight, and PCOS.

What are the signs of PCOS?

The most common symptom of PCOS is irregular periods. Some women with PCOS have eight or fewer periods in a year. You might also experience:

  • Heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Excessive body hair
  • Weight gain
  • Trouble losing weight
  • Acne
  • Patches of dark-colored skin 
  • Headaches

PCOS also interferes with your fertility. You release fewer egg cells on an irregular basis, which can make it more challenging to conceive naturally.

How is PCOS diagnosed?

The team at Aspire For Women Obstetrics and Gynecology uses use a variety of tests to diagnose PCOS. They begin with an exam and a conversation about your symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle.

They also order extensive blood tests to assess your hormone levels, including male hormones like testosterone. They also check your cholesterol and insulin levels. If necessary, your doctor might also recommend an ultrasound to examine your ovaries for cysts and abnormal follicles.

How is PCOS treated?

Although there’s no cure for PCOS, your expert physician at Aspire For Women Obstetrics and Gynecology can provide treatments to reduce your symptoms and restore your health. Treatment usually combines medicine and lifestyle adjustments. 

For example, your doctor might help you adjust your diet and add exercise to your daily routine. Not only do these changes help you manage your weight, but you can also improve your cholesterol and blood sugar levels. 

Additionally, depending on your condition and needs, your doctor might prescribe birth control, which can help restore your hormonal balance. They can also prescribe metformin or clomiphene to address other hormonal issues that contribute to your condition. These prescriptions are often helpful if you are trying to get pregnant. 

Call Aspire For Women Obstetrics and Gynecology, or make an appointment online today for expert diagnosis and treatment for PCOS.